Design provides an interdisciplinary integrative relationship with engineering, marketing and production to solve the needs of users within the framework of global competitive corporate strategies and the humanization of technology.
Design works within criteria, constraints, characteristics, limitations and opportunities to develop solutions
based on emerging technology, materials & processes and sales & distribution structures relating to human, technical
and economic factors, with goals of ecological sustainability, social responsibility and ROI.
PTV-G™, Personal Transport Vehicle-Ground
The ongoing project is focused on the hybrid powered delta trike market.
The PTV design provides one person an enclosed three wheeled recumbent vehicle with innovative structure, power, materials
and production processes.
All 3D solid modeling was done in Siemens® Parasolids® based software.
Chassis design and engineering is by Soneet™ with body design and ergonomics by PhilpoDesign™.
PTV-A™, Personal Transport Vehicle-Aero
The aero is designed as an alternative of the PTV-G™ per Redbud Technology™ specifications.
Torque Calibration system mechatronic engineering by Kelo Todd of Dynetics®.
Ergonomics, detail industrial design, materials, color, branding and 3D solid modeling by PhilpoDesign™.
InterAct™ concept design and design management by Lloyd Philpo'tt; detail industrial design by
Greg Sollie, Al Rowe, Nick Parker and Lee Thomas with mechanical engineering by C.C. Wilson,
Glenn Williams, Todd Jenkins, Phil Williams, Bob Calahan, Carl Cloak, Harry Garner and Philpo'tt,
with program management by the late John Thorington Jr. PhD
iF Design Award:
Integrated keyboard concept design by Lloyd Philpo'tt; detail industrial design
and mechanical engineering by Nick Parker, Glenn Williams, Harry Garner and
Philpo'tt, ergonomics by Katrina Coupland and Philpo'tt, with electrical engineering
by Bruce Imsand and Paul Imsand and program management by the late John Thorington Jr. PhD.
Intergraph® Color Dual CRT Terminal
1981 industrial design by Lloyd Philpo'tt, Intergraph developed the first hi-res
raster/vector color dual CRT terminal, linked to its file processor and DEC/VAX.
Mechanical engineering by C.C. Wilson and Philpo'tt, with electrical engineering
by Bruce Imsand, Paul Imsand, Preston Jett, Terry Kurtz and Chris Thomas with project
management by the late John Thorington Jr. PhD.
Space Shuttle, ATM Payload Specialist Station, concept design and zeroG ergonomics by James Bathurst and Lloyd Philpo'tt